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Analisis Hukum Mengenai Penjatuhan Sanksi Pidana Terhadap Pelaku USAha Pertambangan Tanpa Tanah Tanpa Izin USAha Pertambangan Di Kabupaten Deli Serdang




The definition of mining according of the Law No.4/2009 Article I Paragraph I regarding mineral and coal mining is “part of or all of activity stages in terms of mineral and coal research, management, and business including general investigation, exploration, feasibility study, construction, mining, management, and purification, transportasion and sales, and post mining activities. In the specific law (lex spesialis), particularly, the Law No. 4/2009 regarding mineral and coal mining, the criminal provisions are stipulated in chapter XXIII, Article 158 to article 165. The penal provisions contains in this law regulates various permits such as IUP (Mining Business Permit). IPR, and IUPK. The Ruling of No. 1561/Pid.B/2014/PN.Mdn is about land mining activities. A case on a mining business without a permit happened in marindal, patumbak subdistrict, Deli Serdang District, Sumatera Utara Province. The businessman, in this case, was sendtenced to a year imprisonmen and finet to IDR I Billion based on the article 158 of the Law No.4/2009 regarding mineral and coal mining. The thesis applies judicial normative method with prescriptive analysis. It uses the theory of criminalization. The data of this thesis are legal material including primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials and non-legal materials. It is also supported by statude, conceptual, and case approaches. The data are analyzed using qualitative method. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that firstly, in Chapter XXIII, Article 158 to Article 165, the provisions regulate various matters regarding IUP, IPR, and IUPK. In the government regulation and regional regulation, the criminal provisions tend to refer to, Law No.4/2009 regarding mineral and coal mining. Secondly, the people of Deli Serdang District Find it difficult to administer the mining permit. Aside from the document administration that takes months, the moral hazard of Deli Serdang District Government, particularly, in mining sector also becomes an abstacle to accelerate the mining permit administration. Theirdly, penal and non-penal provisions are criminal policies whose scopes consist of penal and non-penal.
机译:根据第4/2009号法律第I条第I款有关矿产和煤炭开采的定义,“在矿产和煤炭研究,管理和业务(包括一般调查,勘探,可行性)方面是活动阶段的一部分或全部”研究,建设,采矿,管理和净化,运输和销售以及后期采矿活动。在具体的法律(特别法)中,尤其是关于矿物和煤炭开采的第4/2009号法律,其刑事条款在第二十三章第158条至第165条中作了规定。该法律中的刑法条款对各种许可进行了规定。作为IUP(采矿业务许可证)。 IPR和IUPK。第1561 / Pid.B / 2014 / PN.Mdn号裁定是关于土地开采活动的。一个未经许可的采矿业务案件发生在苏门答腊Utara省Deli Serdang区的腌制区,patumbak街区。在这种情况下,根据有关矿物和煤炭开采的第4/2009号法律第158条,该商人被判处一年徒刑,并处以10亿印尼盾的罚款。本文运用司法规范性方法进行规范分析。它使用定罪理论。本文的数据均为法律材料,包括一级,二级和三级法律材料和非法律材料。法规,概念和案例方法也支持该方法。使用定性方法分析数据。根据研究结果,可以得出以下结论:首先,在第二十三章第158条至第165条中,这些条款规范了有关IUP,IPR和IUPK的各种事务。在政府法规和区域法规中,刑事条款倾向于参考关于矿产和煤炭开采的第4/2009号法律。其次,Deli Serdang区的人民发现难以管理采矿许可证。除了需要数月的文件管理之外,Del Serdang区政府的道德风险,特别是在采矿业,也成为加速采矿许可证管理的障碍。通常,刑法和非刑法规定是刑事政策,其范围包括刑法和非刑法。



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